The tree is a perfect place to hang your stethoscope.

Wyatt figured out on his own that this little spiderman toy would stick to the dishwasher. And there are always tiny hand prints on my dishwasher and refrigerator.

I went to fill the bathtub with water and Wyatt started yelling "Kenley's iTouch is in the bathtub MOMMMMMYYYY!!!!" Nice save. It sure was.

I guess this car parked in the corner of the couch.

And while I was showering the kids were playing in the bathroom. They always turn on the water and play in it. But when I was finished Wyatt said they were making fire. And Kenley did it (that always means something isn't good). She's holding the EMPTY container that had bath color tabs in it.

And apparently all the colors looked the fire as the water dissolved them and they ran down the drain, but not before splattering all over the tub, tile floor, and every toy. Luckily, they were super easy to clean up.

The "fire."

I am so bad about drinking water throughout the day. I don't drink other stuff. I could just go a whole day without drinking anything. So I've been making a conscious effort to have a drink out so I'll drink it. Not long after getting this glass of water, it had acorns in it when I went to get another drink. Wyatt was "seeing if they would grow."

So as much as I try to keep my house clean, sometimes all I can do is laugh when I see these 2. Kenley also did her first artwork on the wall with a purple crayon. It's since been painted over and fixed and I can't find the picture. But that totally would have made this post.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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