Me, Chris, our kids, my mom, my sister, and my niece went to Holiday in the Park at Six Flags and it was so much fun. It's the BEST time to go to Six Flags - less crowds, lots of lights, Christmas music, cool weather, and even a snow hill to sled down. I've decided this will be a Christmas tradition.
Peyton and Kenley chatted it up while Wyatt and the adults took turns riding rides.

Grammy and her buddy riding the tea cups.

My friend, Ashley, gave the kids their presents early and the kitchen was a huuuge hit with both kids. I let them keep it in the living room for a few days and now it's upstairs in the playroom.

On Wyatt's last day of preschool before the break the kids did a little Christmas program and had a party in their classrooms. It was the cuuuuutest thing ever. When Wyatt first got on stage we watched him scanning the crowd looking for us and his face lit up when he saw us. Such a sweet moment. He did a great job and we were such proud parents watching him.

Sunday the 23rd we all went to my Dad's for his annual Christmas breakfast. Lots of family was there and Dad and Michelle spoiled us and the kids with so many gifts. This is the only picture I have. I'm sure Chris has more, but I didn't want to wait to get this post up. Wyatt is blurry because he was so excited, he couldn't even stand still. Cousins, Marnie and Devyn, are looking at all the gifts, too.

Christmas Eve morning we went to church for a great service. Wyatt did not want to go to his class because it was a different teacher than usual and he was so upset so we let him come into the service with us. I wish I could have recorded his face when he heard Pastor John say we would meet Jesus. He looked at me so excited and was convinced Jesus was coming right then.
I think Chris and I are making a rule for all these grandparents that buy the kids super cool gifts that need to be built - you buy it, you build it. Wonder if that'll work. ;) So, Christmas Eve during nap Chris and I rushed around building a hot wheels car. Then we headed over to Sasa's (Lori's mom's) house to celebrate Christmas Eve. There was great food, conversation, and lots of gifts there, too. After getting home and setting out cookies, milk, and apples (for the reindeer) and tucking the kids in, Chris and I got back to building. Bunny, Big Daddy, Aunt Maddie, and Aunt Kenzie gave the kids a "mini" trampoline. The picture on the box had the trampoline in an office. I was downstairs building a doll crib and Chris began the trampoline upstairs. He told me it was bigger than we thought, but I was in "hurry up and get this stuff done" mode and told him just to build it. So, when I finished the crib and went upstairs this is what I saw....
I think Chris and I are making a rule for all these grandparents that buy the kids super cool gifts that need to be built - you buy it, you build it. Wonder if that'll work. ;) So, Christmas Eve during nap Chris and I rushed around building a hot wheels car. Then we headed over to Sasa's (Lori's mom's) house to celebrate Christmas Eve. There was great food, conversation, and lots of gifts there, too. After getting home and setting out cookies, milk, and apples (for the reindeer) and tucking the kids in, Chris and I got back to building. Bunny, Big Daddy, Aunt Maddie, and Aunt Kenzie gave the kids a "mini" trampoline. The picture on the box had the trampoline in an office. I was downstairs building a doll crib and Chris began the trampoline upstairs. He told me it was bigger than we thought, but I was in "hurry up and get this stuff done" mode and told him just to build it. So, when I finished the crib and went upstairs this is what I saw....

Ummmm... yes, it is too big. No, it can't stay inside. So I guess we will be taking it apart to get it out over the weekend. We had to cram all the other toys in the corner, but the kids sure were excited to see a huge trampoline in the playroom. Wyatt has been jumping in every time he walks by it.
Santa came and brought lots of new toys...
Santa came and brought lots of new toys...

Wyatt LOVES opening presents and had a blast seeing all his new toys and was a great helper opening Kenley's for her.

One of Kenley's favorite gifts was her magna doodle.

After opening presents from Santa, Mommy and Daddy we went over to Pap's house for MORE gifts and Pap's famous biscuits and gravy. Then we headed home for a short nap and then off to our last Christmas at my mom's house with lots of friends and family. Again, I have no pictures - but I'm sure someone got some good ones.
I almost forgot to mention that during naptime it started snowing, which was a wish come true for Chris. I was so excited, because Wyatt had been telling me that it snows on Christmas (I guess he just sees things in stores and on TV) and I guess he was right. Since it was rainy and then snowing we chose to not even show the kids Pap's present until the day after Christmas when they could play in it. and judging by the next picture I'd say they loved it....
I almost forgot to mention that during naptime it started snowing, which was a wish come true for Chris. I was so excited, because Wyatt had been telling me that it snows on Christmas (I guess he just sees things in stores and on TV) and I guess he was right. Since it was rainy and then snowing we chose to not even show the kids Pap's present until the day after Christmas when they could play in it. and judging by the next picture I'd say they loved it....

We went to my mom's the day after Christmas for leftovers and to hang out and shortly after getting there my sister and I went shopping for a bit and left Grammy with 3 grandbabies. We returned to 3 happy kids getting baths. (Wyatt was in the shower.) Does it get any better?! Thank you Grammy! We like taking home clean babies. :)

And today (2 days after Christmas) I got to spend the day with my sweet, precious niece, Peyton. Her initials are P.B and I'm Aunt Jo so we are PB and J. Love her! She had so much fun she's coming back tomorrow. Her Daddy usually works nights but their holiday schedule is different so I get to spend time with her the next few days. Look at these cousins playing sweetly together...

And Wyatt absolutely could not wait for Daddy to get home to build his model car so I finally gave in and we built it together. Sorry, Daddy - I guess we will have to get another one for you to build. He was so proud and so excited. He said he wanted to "build it so he could go zoom it." Then thanked me for helping with the "awesome" car. Sometimes the things he says are so cute. And sometimes I have no idea where they come from. The other day he told me "that is whack." What?! Where did that come from.

Happy birthday, Jesus! In all the fun things we did, we remembered YOU.
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