So, of course I have to document the first lie. Kenley can't play upstairs alone, but Wyatt can (even though he rarely does, which is why there continues to be so many toys downstairs). Kenley crawled upstairs and I was about a minute behind her. When I got up there, this is what I saw (look closely at every. single. cheerio. that came out of the family size cheerio box).

She looks pretty guilty sitting right in the middle of this disaster, doesn't she? Wyatt was adamant that "Kenley did it." And I asked a million times. Since Wyatt had never lied I was sort of believing his story and still curious how she managed to get such a good radius of cheerios in such a short time and have a path where that car in the top left of the picture had been driving through the cheerios. Hmmm.... Well, investigator Mommy put Wyatt in the interrogation room and came out with the truth (I watch enough of these shows, they ALWAYS end up telling the truth). And so we had it, his first lie and first grounding from TV. It was a sad day, but hopefully we can accept the developmental milestone, correct it, and he will be an honest little guy through all the rest of his milestones.
Update: Today was not the day that the lying stopped. Maybe tomorrow?!
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