We had a very busy, fun, and family-filled weekend. Here are the kiddos on Christmas Eve morning.

On Christmas Eve morning we went over to Grammy and
Grampy's house to go launch the rocket
Grampy had gotten Wyatt the night before. The night before Wyatt loaded the capsule with a
Leggo man (Mickey Mouse wouldn't fit) and he woke up asking about going to send it to Mars. We all headed to the park and Wyatt love, love, loved setting it up, pushing the button, and yelling "3, 2, 1 blast off." The rocket went super high, but ended up landing in a tree.
Grampy promised to get a new rocket and Wyatt told everyone about the rocket, how high it went, and that it was in the tree.
We went to Pap and Lori's for dinner and to do gifts. Things were a little different this year since Lori is very weak from her recent stem cell transplant, but what mattered the most to us is that 1) Lori was able to do the transplant, 2) we would all be healthy enough to spend Christmas as a family (we have to be careful because her immune system is so low), and 3) she was able to be home with her family. So just being able to be together was an answer to prayers.
Horrible blurry picture, but since I'm usually the picture taker this was all I had.

Pap and Kenley

Wyatt loved his presents.

Chris, Wyatt, and Uncle Garrett in the background (me, Lori, and Aunt Sarah were on the other side of the room)

Once we got home on Christmas Eve we skyped with Bunny, Big Daddy, Aunt Maddie, Aunt Kenzie, and Aunt Sarah to open gifts with them. Wyatt is really good with the computer and loves to show off for everyone. Until we all live closer one day it's so nice to get to see each other this way. Before bed we set out Santa's cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer.
On Christmas morning, Pap and Lori dropped off Aunt Sarah and Uncle Garrett on the way to take Lori to the hospital (they have to go every day). While I fed
Kenley, Chris got the big kids pancakes and then we were all set to go upstairs to see what Santa had brought. Wyatt totally got Santa this year. He was
soooo excited.

We went to Pap and Lori's in the afternoon where Aunt Jessie,Uncle Gene, and Tripp met us and we all got a Christmas lunch prepared, played games, and hung out while we waited for Pap and Lori to get home.
Around 5 Jessie, Gene, Tripp, Garrett, Sarah, and the 4 of us headed to my family's Christmas at Grammy and
Grampy's. There was more food, fun games, more presents, and lots of family including Papa (my grandfather), my dad and step-mom, my sister (with a baby bump that we just found out on the 22
nd is a girl!) and brother-in-law, my aunt and uncle, my older sister with my 2 nieces and nephew, and other friends that stopped in for parts of the night. It was a full house and everyone had lots of fun.
And... Grampy kept his promise and got a new rocket (plus a few extras) so we left the babies with the grandmas and everyone loaded up and headed to the park, which was a complete spur of the moment idea but it was really fun.
Grampy setting it up. (Yes, it is dark and yes, I'm sure that makes this a bad idea but there were more boys than girls so the bad idea won in the voting I guess)
Jessie and Gene

Everyone trying to see where it was landing, which we couldn't after the fuse went out, but we saw it for most of the flight

After this we all went back and played games. My favorite family game is the new Kinect Dance Central that my parents got. Jessie and I have been dancing lots and there will not be pictures of this! :) Wyatt did do a whole song by himself and my mom recorded it and it's the cutest thing I've ever seen.
We aren't done celebrating yet... the day after Christmas my dad and Michelle made their famous Christmas breakfast for us at their house so it was more food, fun, and presents. We successfully celebrated Christmas over breakfast, lunch, and dinner this year and it's back to working out and veggies I go (already have a big pot of veggie soup in the fridge). :)
After a month full of Christmas festivities this little guy was worn out at the very end.

Kenley's big girl gift was an activity center and she loves it. Since she can hold her head up so well we thought we'd give it a try and she seems to like the new view. This is her the day after Christmas.

I'm not sure why I put this out of order but it's hard to fix so I'm leaving it. This is my sister, Dawn, Kenley, and cousin Marnie Christmas night at my mom's.

We are so thankful for our family and friends and getting to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas together. Although most of my Christmas posts have pictures of Santa and presents one of the most special things about this holiday season was being able to teach Wyatt what Christmas is really about and being able to talk WITH him about this. He especially loved the
Nativity scene at our house and learned who Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are and their names. I need to get him his own little set for next year because I think our glass sheep is lucky he still is in one piece this year (Wyatt always picks him up and wants to play with him).
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