Last Sunday through Wednesday we went to San Antonio. Sarah, Garrett, Wendie (S and G's nanny), my kiddos, and my mom all went. It was a very busy trip and we packed as much into our stay as we could. We stayed at the La Cantera Resort and it was so nice. Our first night we got in around 8:30 because traffic was awful, but that didn't stop us from getting our swimsuits on as soon as we got in and heading to the pool. We ate dinner around 10:30 out at the pool and made it all work. The best part was no one else was swimming so we had the big slide to ourselves. The next day at breakfast I heard "Mrs. Jeans!" I turned around and it was one of my freshman girls who is now a Junior. I was so surprised to run into someone and very glad that she wanted to say "Hello" and not run and hide from me. ;) After breakfast we spent the day at the Alamo and on the riverwalk. We took a boat tour down the river and it was neat to hear all the history and Wyatt was so excited to be on a boat. After a very HOT and long day we went back to the hotel and me, my mom, Wyatt, and Uncle Garrett all took the shuttle to Six Flags for a few more hours of fun. Aunt Sarah, Wendie, and Kenley hung out at the hotel. Garrett and I rode the big rollercoaster while my mom and Wyatt did the little rides and found popcorn. Wyatt LOVES rides. He is always nervous at first and looks unsure during, but talks about it non-stop afterwards. Then there were fireworks and a video that was projected against the rocks. Wyatt LOVES fireworks but we were really close to these and they were the loudest ones I've ever heard and the grand finale about did him in. He grabbed onto me and had the saddest face and soon after were the tears. So pitiful and sad. But the very next day he said they don't scare him and he wanted to see more so I guess he was fine.
Here we all are crammed in my car. It's my "new" Jeep Commander and I love it. I traded in my Jeep Grand Cherokee (I honestly don't think I ever want anything other than Jeep. This is my 3rd Jeep.) for this one to have the 3rd row. It was tight but we all fit. And ALL the kids did a great job traveling. I tease my mom that she is worse than the kids.
And I was the driver. I never drive on trips. I seriously think the last trip I drove was one of my drives home from Lubbock. Chris likes to drive and I like to sleep.
Ready for bed the first night. We had 2 double beds, a pull-out sofa, and a roll-away. Oh and a playpen for Sister. It worked out great. We didn't do much sleeping anyways.
Posing at the Alamo. I'm not sure that the kids really took it all in, but they can all say they were there. When Sarah and Garrett learned about the Alamo they were so excited so Wendie planned the trip for that reason. Garrett was so disappointed that "it's been ruined" by being turned into a museum. I never know what's going on in a kid's mind, but part of my thinks he wanted to walk up and see the battle taking place. ;)
On the boat
We ate at Mi Tiera's and the Mariachi guys sang "La Bamba" for us. The big kids were so embarrassed. Kenley loved it and Wyatt just stared.
About to ride The Rattler. Garrett was THE BEST rollercoaster buddy. Every chance we got to leave the group to go ride "real rides" we were off.
The dragon outside the log ride. Look at Wyatt's face. He was so proud that he rode a rollercoaster.
Fireworks and a video. The video was a slideshow about Texas. We sure are proud to be Texans. I always wonder if everyone loves their state this much. I'm sure they do.

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