Sweet brother and sister playing before it got dark. Mommy and Daddy played catch with the football in the field. The Cowboys will be calling me this week I'm sure.

I realize there's Goldfish covering Kenley's blurry face but this was the best picture out of several so here it is. Kenley and Grandma.

Grammy playing with glowsticks

See, Chris WAS there. I took this picture for proof. He was playing with all his photography set up. I don't know anything about it, but he loves it.

The kids loved the fireworks. Kenley was a little nervous, but never cried or anything. This is her watching with a strong grip on Mommy. Love my sweet girl and love that she feels safe with Mommy. This girl doesn't sit still often so I was selfishly loving her nervousness. ;)

Blurry but sweet.

A very long and exciting day with no naps ended up like this. Wyatt literally fell asleep in about 2 minutes.

After a bottle, sister was out, too.

We had a wonderful day celebrating AMERICA.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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