The city library did a Summer reading program for little kids and Wyatt was sooo excited to do it. We got a sheet with ducks on it and everytime we read he got to color a duck. We've been getting new library books every week or so and Wyatt loves reading before nap and bedtime. He colored in each duck very carefully. Check out how well he's getting at staying in the lines. When all the ducks were colored he proudly took his paper to the library to get his prize.
So proud.

Very excited to go get his prize.

Walking up to turn in his paper like a big boy.

Heading to the benches to see what he got. (Please ignore the "tail," which is actually a toy stethoscope. This kid is obsessed with tails right now and even though he has 2 homemade tails he still insists on wearing this one occasionally. The mind of a 3 year old.)

He got a toy panda bear, beach ball, Chick Fil A ice cream coupon, and a circus ticket (I think we just might go this year) and he was so excited. He called Daddy and Grammy in the car to tell them all about it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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