We finally made it to the doctor for Kenley's 6 month appointment.
At 6 months Kenley is...
16 lbs 10.7 oz
26 in
eating a fruit/veggie twice a day and cereal before bed
drinking about 6 bottles throughout the day
taking a 15-30 min nap in the morning and evening on-the-go or wherever we are
taking a 1-2 hour nap in her crib in the middle of the day
sleeping all night
sleeping in a sleep sack, baby-safe blanket
loving her Nuk-type binky (especially the ones with a handle for her to play with)
loving water (just like her big brother always has)
loving the outdoors
able to drink from a sippy
almost able to sit up and stay up on her own
getting up on her knees and rocking
rolling and scooting all over the place (she is a little gymnast in her crib)
able to copy us and stick her tongue out and make noises
very "talkative" (she will talk to anyone, her toys, Wyatt... she already loves to talk)
loving nail polish on her little toes ;)
all smiles when playing with Wyatt (he holds her down the slide and she giggles)
Kenley has been growing and learning so much that I could go on and on, but the one thing that EVERYONE says when they see her is that she is the happiest baby ever. She truly is. She is so easy-going. Always smiling and giggling. But I have noticed that she already has a bit of drama in her. If she cries, it will be over a silly thing. I've seen Wyatt bump into her hard and her laugh. Then I've seen him barely touch her and her break out into full out drama. Today after her shots, she was NOT happy. She screamed and cried for at least 10 minutes and had huge alligator tears. :( Wyatt would cry for 2 seconds and be done. It's interesting to see how they are alike and different. But one thing is for sure - they LOVE each other so much.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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