After nap on Wyatt's birthday we had lots of family over for dinner, presents, and cake. I've never really liked cartoon theme parties and here I've had 2 in one day. Now, I totally get why parents do it. :) Wyatt LOVES, and I mean LOVES "mouse" and Elmo. So, his first party had Mickey Mouse stuff and his second party had an Elmo cake. He works really hard at not leaving either one out... so I had to, also. Below is a picture to prove that he loves both the same.
Every night we carry all the "mouse" and Elmo toys upstairs, because when he wakes up he grabs ALL of them and asks me to help him carry them downstairs. They get kisses everytime he sees them. And sometimes when I help him do something (such as give him Elmo or carry "mouse" he will say "thank you Elmo/mouse" instead of the usual, "thank you Mommy." And by the way, there are more by his feet!

Needless to say, we had an Elmo cake and it was a hit!

What could be better than presents, cake, and football?!

It's been a LONG day, but Pap (Chris' dad) makes it better. Notice the Elmo train from the cake.

Grandma and Grandpa (my dad and step-mom)

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lisa (my sister and my BIL)
I call him "my BIL." Jeff NEVER takes pictures and he let me because I said I needed it for the blog so Wyatt will get to look at it.

And then I got busy and didn't finish getting all my family pictures for the blog. At least I got a few. ;)
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