Our first stop at Northpark Mall was the pretzel place. We were early for Santa's storytime and who doesn't love pretzels for breakfast?!
Sweet sister's eyes were a little puffy (we all have allergy issues), but not quite as puffy as her pretzel filled cheeks.

I asked Wyatt to look at me with his pretzel and this is what I got. His pretzels were cinnamon and sugar covered - can you tell? He was so excited that we were having a "picnic."

Me and my sugar coated boy waiting for Santa.

He made it! Santa came to tell us stories. Now, Wyatt loves Santa, but this kid is not a real fan of stories. Yes, we read to him and yes, we practice sitting still and listening, but it's not always easy. His teachers would agree. Sigh! He is getting better though. Anyways, about halfway through the storytime he noticed that the Disney store (his fav) was close by. He whispered to me approximately 372 times that he needed to go over there and see if they had Woody. AFTER storytime we went and there aren't any pictures because he sped around the store like a lightning bolt looking at all the cool toys. The Disney store at Northpark is WAY bigger than the one at Stonebriar.

We walked around the mall some and Wyatt saw a pair of shoes he was interested in at a shoe store. Let's stop here for a second. This kid is sooooo picky about his shoes. They are too tight, too loose, too something, or too everythying and so on and so on. He only likes his crocs (a very specific style of croc even at that). It's C-R-A-Z-Y. He's had a few different kinds of shoes and sometimes likes them ok - usually it was after lots of persuading by myself or my mom. So, if the child is interested in "real" shoes then so are we. We headed to Nordstrom and let him have his pick. When the guy brought out several pair Wyatt knew which ones he wanted. They were "exercise shoes" (what he calls shoes that aren't crocs, even his Vans) and of course, ones that "look like Uncle Garrett's." The pictures from Nordstrom are a little out of order.
They had a fish tank and coloring station.

Kenley looking hard for some shoes. I think she will like ALL shoes equally.

Wyatt wanting to make sure Kenley gets what she wants. She's bare foot here, but we got her shoes a few weeks ago. She has a few pair of shoes, but they all have pink and I thought they looked silly with this outfit and since she rode in the stroller for the majority of the day, she was barefoot. Check out Wyatt's new shoes!

They both got a balloon (and Kenley is playing with another little girl and her balloon).

The cool new shoes. They are Nikes and super fast!

The next stop was The Trains and this was the main event of the day. Wyatt could hardly contain his excitement. He walked in and had the biggest eyes ever and didn't know where to start (and this was just by the ticket booth with a few train models set out to purchase and one moving train - not even the big exhibit).
Inside where the exhibit was there are tons of trains, little cities, little people that move, every detail you can think of. It's so impressive. Of course, Wyatt found a "red car."

Kenley loved it, too.

Thomas and Percy and friends were even there and I'm positive Wyatt spotted every single one. When it comes to toys (cars, trains, etc.) Wyatt catches every. single. detail. Every one. He has about 30 different Lightning McQueen cars (I swear some are the same) and he can tell you which one is which and HE KNOWS. I love his enthusiasm and excitement as he tells us all about the trains and wants to show us everything.

Such pretty detail in the colors and everything.

This year we purposely planned our trip so that we could check out the gingerbread houses they had on display. This was my favorite event of the day. I love making gingerbread house and these ones were so creative, neat, and all resembled something. There was "Baby Ruth" stadium, "Beta Eta Pie" frat house, and so many more. So cute!

I know this is the longest post ever, but I have to add this funny story and memory. My mom always teases me and calls me a bad date, because I always forget my wallet when I'm with her. In my defense, it's because she drives and if I don't grab my keys I don't grab my wallet. I've taken her out to lunch and forgotten it (more than twice), went to get groceries with her and forgotten, and the list goes on. Well, Kenley had been pulling my wallet out of the bag over and over again and finally I thought she was done and got busy with something (which might have been sitting on a bench sending a text while she and I waited for my mom and Wyatt to meet up with us). When it was time for lunch (that I said I was buying) my wallet was not in my bag! Ok, so I was totally freaked out, but stayed calm (it wouldn't help to freak out - but let me just say if I lost my kids I'd be not calm and I kept thinking while I searched for my wallet thank you God I knew where my kids were - I'm paranoid about this). I told my mom that I lost my wallet just then so I didn't have to pay for lunch. I walked where I had been since Kenley was playing her little game (even though I was certain I had it while on the bench). I called both mall lost and found numbers. Then my mom asked the super nice custodian, who then radioed security who had just spoken to the people at Sonic who had a wallet. What?! Whew... that was a near disaster. Okay, so maybe I really gave the Sonic people my wallet so I didn't have to pay. Maybe. Anyways, I had to got to pay for lunch in the end.
After lunch Wyatt and I got a little Paciugo (which he liked so much he stole mine when he finished his). Kenley has quite the temper when she sees food and it's not hers. Luckily she has the sweetest big brother ever who (almost always) is happy to share.
P.S. We are "bow training" Kenley and after putting the bow in 17 times, I gave up at the very end of the day. Any suggestions in bow training would be welcomed. I can do sleep and potty training, but bow training is not going so smoothly.

When we got home Aunt Sarah and Uncle Garrett came over for the night. This day was the perfect day and so much fun. After we all ate dinner we played around for a bit. I have several frisbees and we started "skating" around on them on the carpet. Super dangerous I'm sure, but super fun. Try it.

Then we went to Starbucks to get drinks. I don't like coffee at all, but I like unsweet iced tea so I got a drink, too. Sarah and Garrett love Starbucks and they got some fancy drinks, which then turned into Wyatt getting whipped cream and chocolate drizzle on his chocolate milk. Thank you sweet girls at Starbucks for helping avoid that meltdown. It has been a long day and that was not a battle I was in for.

Happy kids ready to go find Christmas lights in Deerfield.

Thomas was there, too!

Chris and Garrett's favorite. See the deer feeder.

And the camo Grinch.

After Wyatt and Kenley went to bed the rest of us hung out outside. Chris has been promising Garrett he'd help make his airsoft gun camo and he has been really busy so why not do it at 10 pm. We let them play dangerous frisbee skating, have some kind of double something chocolate Starbucks drinks, and why not hang out outside at 10 pm. We are a COOL brother and sister-in-law. Haha. Now, when I came out in my zebra footie pj's (which I love) these 2 were laughing at me. I took a picture of them riding pillow pet racers and said that they cannot laugh at my pj's while playing on those. Right?

The cool big brother spray painting the airsoft gun. Also note, that this is not MY kid's airsoft gun that looks like a real gun. We will worry about those decisions later. It's looking like I've got a tough battle ahead.

It was a fabulous, exhausting, wonderful day with my family and I feel blessed.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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