Thursday, September 5, 2013

2 Week Appointment {Reagan}

I can't believe that Reagan is 2 weeks old already. She has been filling our hearts with so much joy. Her big brother and sister absolutely love her. They would carry her around with them if I let them. I always find them standing over her just looking, talking, and singing her songs. It's so sweet.

She was a big 7 lbs 4.8 oz and the doctor said that was great. She's a little above her birth weight now and eating like a champ so I know she will be growing fast. She's been spitting up, not a ton, but more than what I'm used to with a breastfed baby, which was my only concern. The doctor wasn't worried, but we will be trying a probiotic to see if that helps. It doesn't bother her at all, thank goodness.

She was able to take a bath this week and she loves it. We got one of these neat towels from sweet friends and it was great for her bath time lounging.

Wyatt and Kenley asked to go swimming at Grammy's one day so we did. They had a blast. Wyatt can swim and Kenley does great with her special floatie bathing suit so I was able to watch them while taking care of Reagan.

And I was playing during naptime one day and made this little picture of Wyatt, Kenley, and Reagan's newborn faces.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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