I grew up with a pool in my backyard in every house I was ever in and I NEVER wanted a pool of my own... UNTIL NOW!!! The kids are at a great age for a pool. I want to just walk outside and have a pool right there. For now, this is our pool... (Yes, I get in too!)

Both kids are loving summer reading, which is great because I hope they always love to read since I hate it. Kenley has to hold her own book when we are doing story time. It's cute. Wyatt's new favorite books are the Curious George books. We got some from the library and he was so sad to give them back that Daddy took him to Half Price Books to get a few.

Wyatt and Kenley are best friends and love to be silly together. A house full of giggles makes me happy.

We went to a jumping place with Kaleton one day. The kids wore themselves out big time. And the few times I had to go through the obstacle course bounce house wore me out!

Wyatt is starting to want little chores to do. He's a pretty good cleaner and the official silverware putter-upper.

And monkey see, monkey do at our house. (I swear we put clothes on her occasionally.)

We love the fountains splash area.

Summer just means ice cream, right?! Grammy keeps it in stock for us. Late bedtime has also been a part of our summer - who wants to sleep when you can swim and eat ice cream?!

More swimming. The Beach Club is so fun and the kids love to go back and forth from the sand, splash pad, to pool. It's so nice that Wyatt can swim and Kenley will wear the vest. We will see how it all works next year with 3 kids.

And we found a new pool with the best splash area ever. The water all around was shallow and the slides were perfect. Kaleton and Wyatt had a blast racing each other. Kenley held her own, too, but I didn't get any pictures.

Lots of our summertime lunches are picnics.

We went to the fountains in the evening to watch a music and lights show. It's always a good show and Kenley was jammin'.

We find messy things to do like play in this squishy, slimy stuff I bought to make. It's supposed to go in the bathtub, however we tried that once and both kids freaked out so now we just play with it outside.

It was a MESS. It's a control exercise for me... I just have to breathe and let it go sometimes. And it wasn't anything the hose couldn't clean up.

I was sitting on the couch and looked over to see this. How cute is she?!

Our favorite pool to swim in is Grammy and Grampy's. We've spent many hours in there this year.

I'd say they are having a fabulous summer. This has been my favorite one so far.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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