Saturday, October 27, 2012

1 Year {Kenley}

This month Kenley is...
21 lbs 6.5 oz
30 and 3/4 in
The happiest baby ever
Getting more and more teeth - she even has molars coming in
All about eating still and loving her naps and sleeping at night
Loving playing with toys, getting into everything she can reach, and laughing at her brother
She claps, blows kisses, and knows her feet (she will kick her feet if you talk about them)

We had your first birthday party at the Carousel at Stonebriar Mall in Frisco (the Saturday before your birthday) and it was the perfect place to celebrate. All the kids (little and big - adults included) loved riding the carousel. We had a coloring station and sticker station set up to decorate party hats, which was great for before and after the party. There were donuts for breakfast and of course birthday cake. The cupcakes were white cake with purple or pink icing and you ate your ENTIRE cupcake.

After the party, we headed over to Grammy and Grampy's house to open presents and hang out with family until nap time. You got so many cute outfits and some super fun toys.

On your actual birthday, Wyatt had preschool, so we dropped him off and then headed over to Grammy's house for her famous waffles. She didn't have a birthday candle so we made this huge candle work. You love to be sung to! We facetimed Bunny so she could see you on your birthday, too. You like to be able to see and talk to her. Then we went shopping, of course.

*These pictures are out of order and most of them are on Daddy's good camera so here are just a few.

Your waffle breakfast.

Your pedi.

I gave you a little whipped cream and I'm pretty sure you love it as much as I do.

Birthday party: Cake time!

This is classic! The Jeans' kids like cake!
Dear Kenley,
Our family is so blessed to have you. You sweet smile, loving personality, and easy-going nature are such a joy to be around. The past year has been one of the best years of our lives. Mommy and Daddy's favorite thing to do is watch you and Wyatt play together. He absolutely adores you and thinks you are his best friend. He checks on you all the time, is sad when you get sad, and loves more than anything to make you laugh. You are sure to be tough girl, because sometimes he plays pretty rough with you and you let him for the most part. We warn him that one day you are going to let him have it. :)
Watching you learn and grow this past year has been so exciting. I cannot wait to see what God has planned for your future. I know it is big. Reach for the stars, sweet girl.
Mommy and Daddy
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Julia said...

Your blog is adorable! Just wanted to let you know! Greeting from Munich, Germany!