Wyatt on a ride.

I could totally do without the games, but my mom and all the kids love them so they played. Here is Wyatt filling the cup BY HIMSELF. Guess who won?! He got a batman cape.

And what are the chances of winning the game where you throw a ring onto a coke bottle? Twice? Garrett sure did!!! Look at these things and remember the first picture on part 1 with the crammed car. Hmmmm....
But Garrett sure was excited!

The only game I played was basketball in order to win Wyatt 2 Texas Tech basketballs. :)


We "ate" in the food court and the food was awful so we spent a lot of money of food that went in the trash but guess who came out for a little show? All the Looney Tunes characters and it was a perfect little break from the heat. And it was all to 80's music!

Of course, Wyatt got to ride the train. We all rode once then everyone wanted to keep riding so Garrett and I took off to go ride "real rides."

Sarah and one of her game prizes.

Sarah was smart because the rule was that if you won them - you carried them.


Kenley was such a good sport the ENTIRE trip. She is the happiest, go-with-the-flow baby ever and just hung out everywhere we went. Aunt Sarah won this Baby Bugs for her and she played and played with it. Such a sweet Aunt.

When we got home Daddy came home from work to help us unload. He's such a sweet guy! I sure did appreciate it, too. Here's the car. Can you spot the banana? The banana was not going to fit in the roof bag. At 5:30 am I was tired of trying to fit it and was all for telling Garrett to say goodbye to the banana, but Wendie saved the banana and had the guys helping us tie it to the roof. I said I wouldn't laugh about it until we got home safely and we did so I laughed.

We needed space and didn't want to pay a fortune for a roof carrier (those hard things) and Chris found this thing at roofbag.com. It worked great and was pretty easy to use. And way cheaper.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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