We had a small friend party this year and had it at our house for the first time. The theme was Bouncing and Building - two of Wyatt's favorite things to do. We had the bounce house upstairs and we got build-and-grow kits from Lowes for the kids to build in the garage. Decorating was easy. I just got out the tools bucket and put them all over the house - and ta-da...

We had pizza, homemade cupcakes (using a bundt cake recipe from the Mix and Match Mama blog and I don't know how to link it, but check it out from my blogs I like to visit on the right), and then the kids got to build ice cream sundaes.
I have to say the kids were so good and played so well together. During the picture below it was almost quiet and I got nervous that it was too calm for a party (I know... crazy... but I'm used to a classroom full of kids and that's never quiet) but my good friend, Helen, who is also my friend that always tell me the truth said that just meant it was a well planned party. I hope she was right. :)
I didn't get any pictures of the building and bouncing, but Chris did.

This birthday boy was having fun - I swear - I just managed to get a bad picture and almost forgot to take this so he's probably thinking "come on mom, take the picture already so I can blow out my candles."

After nap, we headed to Parker Brothers Trail Dust on 380 for the family party. The pictures are really dark, but they have this HUGE slide that Wyatt says makes you go "soooo faaaasst." We ALL had a blast sliding and hanging out. Yes! We had races and the kids rode, the mommies and daddies rode, and even the grandparents.
Pap cheering on Wyatt. Aunt Sarah and friend, Maddie catching Wyatt.

Daddy holding Wyatt as they sang for him and brought him ice cream.

Loves him some ice cream. :)

And since all this partying took place on Sunday the 8th Grammy had to get a cake for Wyatt on Monday the 9th. Aunt Lisa (my sister who is preggo) is actually the one that insisted we have cake. So after I got back to my mom's from tutoring she, Lisa, and Wyatt had gone to the store to get a cake. And we celebrated again...

Happy 3rd Birthday Wyatt!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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