Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Lil Dragon

Wyatt loves the new Disney show, Doc McStuffins, about a girl who pretends she's a doctor and fixes all her stuffed animals. Stuffy the Dragon is one of her toys and he is Wyatt's favorite. Wyatt has been asking me to tie a towel around his waist about 783 times a day and then gets very upset when it falls off. While blog stalking I saw that my friend, Mandy, had posted on her crafty blog Hello, My Name is Mandy tails that she had made her kiddos. I got all the stuff and made Wyatt his very own tail that won't fall off and he was so excited. He chose blue so that he could be like Stuffy. He ROOOARRS when he wears it, too.

We met my Mom and friend, Ashley, at IHOP after a doctor's appointment. Did you know IHOP made seating for Dragons?!

He was so excited to show EVERYONE and wouldn't stand still to get good pictures.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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