Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pictures from our weekend...

We had a busy weekend. I'm trying to get better at taking pictures so here are a few from our weekend.

After build and grow on Saturday we met my dad and stepmom for breakfast with the kiddos.

Saturday night I had to run to the craft store and Wyatt came with me. My mom and friend, Ashley, met us and we went out to dinner. Ashley got Wyatt those things that grow in water and I let him play with them before we ate. He thought they were super cool.

I thought I had a great idea and it turned out to be a disaster! Wyatt loves ice cubes so I made food colored ice cubes for him to paint with. I let him play with them while I cooked dinner (Sunday night) BUT they stained his fingers and color was going to get EVERYWHERE. So the great idea lasted a few minutes and then Chris was sticking Wyatt in the bathtub for me. If anyone has done this successfully, let me know the trick. I might have put too much color in. Maybe I'll try again another time.

Aunt Becca (Chris' sister) lives in Houston and is going to culinary school. She came to visit us and it was so nice to see her. She works at The Children's Place on the weekends and brought cute surprises for the kids.

Here is Kenley sporting her new cupcake jammies from Aunt Becca. These are perfect because Aunt Becca is in school for pastries and cakes. :)

Wyatt asked to hold his baby sister. He is sooo good with her. He loves her more than words can say and it warms my heart.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Robin said...

I love Kenley in her cupcake footie!!!